This vignette shows how to apply monthly changes into a weather file for climate scenarios.
The daily weather records are stored in the apsim format.
file <- system.file("extdata/WeatherRecordsDemo1.met", package = "weaana")
# Read weather file
met <- readWeatherRecords(file)
# Get records in data.frame
records <- getWeatherRecords(met)
# Calculate month from weather records
month <- as.numeric(format(records$date, '%m'))
The monthly changes of future climate can be obtained from future climate scenarios.
# maximum and minimum temperature changes are absolute values
tasmax <- (runif(12) - 0.5) * 2
tasmin <- (runif(12) - 0.5) * 2
# rain changes are a ratio
pr <- (runif(12) - 0.5) / 10
Add the monthly changes into weather records
new_maxt <- records$maxt + tasmax[month]
new_mint <- records$mint + tasmin[month]
new_rain <- records$rain * pr[month]
changeWeatherRecords(met, maxt = new_maxt)
changeWeatherRecords(met, mint = new_mint)
changeWeatherRecords(met, rain = new_rain)
Finally the new met file is saved into a new file